Creating a Homeschool Schedule Vs. a Routine - Which is Best?

by Kathy Green


Many new homeschoolers wonder what their homeschool schedule should look like.  But is a schedule a help or a hindrance? 


Consider thinking in terms of a family routine, rather than a school schedule.  Schedules are more rigid.  Routines are more fluid.  For most homeschoolers, strict schedules aren't flexible enough and can cause lots of frustration when things don't go as planned.  On the other hand, everyone thrives on a good routine.  Routines become habits.  Good habits become a way of life.  The results produce happier, healthier children... and less stress for mom!    


With a well-established routine, you will have a more harmonious homeschool where learning takes place naturally all throughout the day!  Real life is not separated from education but becomes an integral part of it.  It will take some time for you to reach the point where your family routine seems comfortable and natural.  Just like all good habits, it's worth working toward! 


Your routine will depend on your family, your unique circumstances, and the ages and needs of your children.  Every family is different!  It might look something like this (but please experiment to see what works for you!):

MORNING (Start Slow!)

Creative Play


Morning Chores



Language Arts



Outdoor Play

Lunch (and an audio book!)

Mid-day Chores

Science or Social Studies 

Hands-on Activities (art, music, field trips, library, P.E. or health)




After Dinner Chores

Family Time (games, a movie or read aloud time)



Bedtime Chores

Reading or Storytelling (independent reading or more read-aloud time)

Bedtime Prayers

Lights out & Sweet Dreams!


It may be a few months before you feel that you have a routine that works for your family!  Give it time and enjoy the process!  


Remember that routines can shift and change as your family grows and changes. What worked last year, may not work the next year.  It's okay to adjust to accommodate the needs of the family.  After all, meeting the needs of our family in the best way possible is why most of us homeschool anyway!


If you would like some personal assistance, you might find a curriculum planning session to be helpful and a boost in confidence.  Most families who are just beginning do feel much better after talking through it all with someone who has walked the road before them.  Feel free to call the HOME Office at 207-763-2880 (Line 3) for an appointment!  We are always happy to share.



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Comments: 3
  • #1

    essay writing service reviews (Thursday, 13 July 2017)

    Really nice concept you selected here. I did not think about this subject so far. Now I understand that truly there is some difference between Schedules and Routine. I also have same feel about the subject like you.Anyway I liked your post very much. Looking forward to getting your next story.

  • #2 discounts (Thursday, 02 November 2017 05:24)

    I think that it's a good idea to plan our everyday time. Routine could be boring and without time-management you can miss a lot of opportunities. I think that parents must teach their children to organize their time from the early childhood.

  • #3

    Hacksmista (Thursday, 06 December 2018 17:34)

    Monitor your child's video game playing time. Video games are extremely fun and very addictive. A child can get sucked into a game for hours on end if there is no parental supervision. Pay attention to the child's time and force breaks and maximum playing times to make sure your youngster still enjoys the world around him.