Join HOME Today!

Working together for homeschool freedom since 1990!

Joining HOME brings you great benefits, too! These benefits are our way of saying “thank you” for your financial gift. 


Levels of Support

Here's how YOU can be a part of our Families Helping Families mission. Decide on a level of support below.  Then donate online using the JOIN HOME tab here:

OR fill out a form and mail it to the address below.

 Make checks payable to:

Homeschoolers of Maine
PO Box 159
Camden, Maine 04843-0159


Mail In Form
Print and mail this form with your donation.
Form Families Helping Families.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 202.8 KB

More About the Benefits

When you join, you will automatically receive an email with details about how to access your benefits, which are available for one-year starting with the date of your purchase! Lifetime level benefits are available every year with a one-time $1000 donation!

Why Support HOME?

We can't do what we do without YOU! Support HOME and help us to continue to preserve, protect and promote homeschooling throughout the state of Maine. 


Join with HOME to Preserve Homeschooling in Maine

A statewide homeschool organization is vital to continued success and the preservation of homeschool freedoms. Maintaining a strong organizational presence, while continuing to meet the needs of homeschool families, is very important. By God's grace, we will provide as many services and as much access to information and resources to encourage and support homeschoolers as we possibly can. In so doing, homeschool families themselves will carry forth the vision for what homeschooling can provide for generations to come. 


Join with HOME to Protect Homeschooling in Maine


Homeschooling in Maine has come a long way over the past 40 years. The legal battles and struggles experienced during the 1980's and 90's are behind us. Public awareness has grown, and today homeschooling is widely recognized as a viable option. Through it all, HOME has worked openly, as well as behind the scenes to impact the legislature and raise awareness. 


Currently, we enjoy a fair amount of freedom as homeschoolers in our state. As a result, numbers of homeschoolers continue to increase throughout Maine. Our services, workshops, printed resources, Facebook groups, website, activities and annual events are just some of the many ways HOME volunteers can support and equip the growing number of homeschool families in Maine.

Join with HOME to Promote Homeschooling in Maine

As we move forward into the future, your family can help other families simply by making a donation to HOME! Your generosity will ensure that HOME is here today, and in the future, to minister to the needs of new and veteran homeschoolers, as well as stand guard over parental rights and homeschool freedoms for many years to come.


Please Share a Brochure

TOGETHER we can help others to homeschool with confidence! You can read more about how HOME is impacting homeschool families all across Maine here. Then let others know, too!



Join HOME Brochure
Please print and share with those who are interested in joining with HOME to support efforts to preserve, protect, and promote homeschooling in Maine
HOME Membership Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 907.0 KB