It's never too early. Planning ahead during the elementary years helps to create a smooth transition into the high school years. Below are some important steps to take to help you learn more.
Planning Sessions, Workshops and Webinars
Those looking ahead to the high school years, as well as those nearing the finish line, often have new questions and concerns. Planning sessions are available throughout the year to all those seeking guidance in homeschooling high schoolers, preparing transcripts, etc.
Preparing for High School and Post High School Resources at HSLDA
- Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Curriculum resource lists and links
- Record keeping and transcript resources
- Testing resources
- College admissions information
- And much more...
English/Language Arts (literature, composition, grammar, vocabulary) - 4 credits
History/Social Studies (geography, U.S. and world history, government, economics) - 3 credits
Mathematics (algebra, geometry, consumer math, trigonometry, calculus) - 3 credits
Science (physical science, earth science, biology, chemistry, anatomy, physics) - 3 credits
Physical Education - 1 credit
Health - 1 credit
Fine Arts (art, music, drama, photography) - 1 credit
Computer Proficiency - 1 credit
Maine Studies (if Maine Studies was not completed in grades 6, 7, or 8) - 1 credit
Electives (Bible, home economics, life skills, typing, woodworking) - 6 credits
* Please Note: All subjects required by Maine's homeschool statute must be covered each year.
Maine's Early College Programs give high school students a jumpstart on college, an opportunity for dual enrollment and dual crediting (gaining both high school and college credit at the same time) and classroom experience!
What is dual enrollment? High school students can take college courses and earn both high school and college credit at the same time! Credits earned apply toward both a high school diploma and a college degree.
During the high school years, homeschoolers have access to free or low-cost college courses through the University of Maine System, the Maine Community College System, and Maine Maritime Academy. There are six requirements:
1. The student’s educational program must meet Maine’s legal requirements for home instruction.
2. The college must have space in the classroom for the student.
3. The student must have completed all course prerequisites.
4. The student must submit such evidence of academic fitness as the college may request.
5. The student must receive the college’s approval of the student’s academic fitness.
6. All students must file a letter of intent and annual assessment results, even if they have reached the 17th birthday, in order to participate in early college courses.
* Please Note: Students attending Equivalent Instruction Private Schools (sometimes called “Recognized for Attendance Purposes Private Schools" or “Nonapproved Private Schools”) are NOT considered to be homeschoolers and are NOT eligible for the free Early College Program, per Maine statute, even if they are being schooled at home through their Equivalent Instruction Private School. To participate in the free early college program, be sure to file a homeschool Letter of Intent (or Subsequent Letter).
To find out more about Maine's Early College Programs, visit Early College Programs.
In addition, several private colleges and universities in Maine also offer free or reduced-tuition early college courses to high school students. Please check with the specific private college or university if you are interested in finding out if they offer a similar program.
Be sure to watch this informative webinar, too:
Whether you are planning on college or not, career exploration should be an essential part of any high school program. Check out HOME's Getting Ready for Careers page for resources to help you explore the endless possibilities.
Check out HOME's Getting Ready for College page for an additional list of valuable resources for high school students considering college.
Are you looking for a gap year, dual credit, or a full college experience? Ascend can accommodate you!
Ascend by Unbound is an intense college experience designed to catalyze, enable, and energize Christian homeschoolers. Ascend students don’t just get access to an air-tight academic plan to earn a bachelor’s degree, they become leaders and innovators with a world-class community that has their back.
Whether your student is in the program for one year or four, your student will get leadership opportunities, Christian community, registration and travel to live events, and rock-solid academics. Plans are flexible from 9-30 college credits per year.
HOME families get $150 off enrollment! Apply or schedule an appointment today!
Good record keeping is important for your child's future, so be sure to consider the following:
When you've finished the course, be sure to mark the occasion!