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Current Blog Posts

6 Simple Ways to Become a Powerful Praying Family in Today’s World

Did you know that your little family, no matter how small, can help to transform the world? During these times of great uncertainty and political tensions, it’s easy to believe there is nothing we can do. However, your family can, and is even called to do everything possible through prayer.   


The smallest body of believers in Christ comes in the form of the family. The concept of family as a little or “domestic” church dates to the times of the early Christians. Even before this, Joshua, the great leader of the Jewish people, following the death of Moses, recognized the importance of the family as a unit dedicated to the love and service of God (Joshua 24:15). Families belong to each other... children to parents, parents to children, husbands to wives, wives to husbands. What a gift! When we forget this, there is disunity, lack of peace, chaos.

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25 Homeschool Freedoms for Which We are Grateful!

by Joanna Martel


                            We are Grateful…

  • For not having to say good-bye to our children.
  • For growing with our children
  • For freedom from fear.
  • For being a part of their mistakes.
  • For being present when the light of cognition goes on and their faces light up.
  • For the frank conversations when the reality of the world and the material in the book do not mesh.                       
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10 Benefits to Maintaining a Homeschool Portfolio for Your Child

There are so many important reasons to keep up with your child's portfolio throughout the year! Here are the top ten:


  1. Avoids the year-end rush and stress that often accompanies meeting annual assessment requirements.
  2. Provides awareness of subject areas that may be lacking or need mo.re attention before the year's end
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Different Strokes for Different Folks


When it comes to educating our children, we have options! In Maine, public schools, public charter schools, approved private schools, equivalent instruction private schools, and homeschools (home instruction) all come under their own unique and separate legal and regulatory requirements. This helps to clarify differences and keep the definitions clear. Find out where your student falls in the chart below. You may be surprised!  

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Homeschooling? What About Socialization?

You have done the research. Homeschooling seems like it may be the best option for your

family. But what about socialization?


After decades of proven success and millions of homeschool graduates, this is still a big

question, and rightly so! Socialization is a vital part of child development. Socialization is the

process by which children learn to interact in appropriate ways with others of all ages. How does this happen if children are not attending a brick-and-mortar school and in a classroom full of age-mates? Can it really happen successfully in a homeschool setting?


Concern over lack of proper socialization among homeschoolers comes from a misunderstanding of what it is to homeschool. Many mistakenly believe that homeschoolers are isolated at home for hours each day, rarely seeing others. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Homeschooling does not happen exclusively at home but includes many experiences outside of the home. In fact, homeschool parents are often quick to address the need for meaningful socialization opportunities for their children. With a little extra planning, creativity, and determination, they achieve amazing results!


Homeschool families are active and on the go every day, giving them ample opportunities to acquire knowledge of the values and expectations of society and put them into practice. Homeschoolers can be found socializing anywhere and everywhere throughout the day. They attend classes, lessons, and field trips, go to the library, meet in co-ops, join clubs, and play sports. They are likely to be involved in their church and community and can often be found volunteering.


These varied activities include many interactions with trusted adults, as well as children of all ages. Being around people who are older and more mature can provide good examples for learning social skills. Being around people younger and less mature allows for opportunities to provide examples of good behavior and care for others. This kind of healthy engagement with people helps children to develop the skills and character necessary to be a productive member of society.


Remember, too, the many homeschoolers of the past who became great leaders! Inspire your family by reading more about these famous individuals. You’ll discover their character, determination, excellent social skills, and important contributions to society: Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, George Washington, William Penn, Daniel Webster, George Washington Carver, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Claude Monet, Winston Churchill, Helen Keller, Charles Dickens, C. S. Lewis, Alexander Graham Bell, Agatha Christie, Tim Tebow and many more. Who knows. Your child could be added to this list of noteworthy homeschoolers someday!


Here are some concrete suggestions to help you connect with your homeschool community in


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