Options for Annual Assessment

Assessment Results Due Each Year by September 1!

Maine law requires homeschoolers that have filed letters of intent to homeschool (for those who have reached the 6th birthday or who have not yet reached the 17th birthday) to submit the results of an annual assessment to their local superintendent's office after each school year concludes, no later than September 1. An annual assessment verifies the child's progress in each of the subject areas required by law.


Review the steps to comply with the homeschool statute. 


The following are the legal options for annual assessment. Choose only one option to fulfill the law.


1. Review and acceptance of progress by: (a) a Maine certified teacher; (b) a homeschool support group that includes for this purpose a Maine certified teacher or administrator who has reviewed a portfolio of the student’s work; or (c) a local advisory board appointed by the superintendent composed of two homeschool teachers and one school official (must be arranged with school system before school year starts).

2. Official results of any national standardized achievement test; or

3. Results of a test developed by local school officials.


Portfolio Evaluations

What is a homeschool portfolio and why should I maintain one?


A homeschool portfolio includes academic records and selections from a student's coursework in all required subject areas. Sample components are saved and compiled together in a binder over the year. At the end of the year, the completed portfolio can be reviewed by a Maine certified teacher to assess the progress made by the student during that time. 


Maintaining a portfolio of your child's work provides actual, physical proof that you are homeschooling, covering all required subjects and that your child is making progress as required by law. This proof will be vital in the event that you are contacted by officials, or that your child returns to school.  


* Watch this video to find out more about keeping a portfolio!


HOME provides a convenient method for annual assessment, which fulfills the requirements of our homeschool statute. HOME portfolio reviews are easy and affordable! (Financial assistance is also available.) Reviews through HOME offer you help and encouragement, while supporting HOME, too! 


HOME Portfolio Reviews are offered three ways:  


1. Mail Your Portfolio to HOME

Mail-in or Drop-off your portfolio for review. The printable Portfolio Evaluation Packet provides assembly instructions, helpful tips, a wide variety of record keeping pages, and all essential information needed to complete and prepare a portfolio to mail-in or drop-off for an individual review by a Maine certified teacher.


To participate, complete the pre-registration form included in the packet provided at the link below, and submit it to HOME by June 1.


Access a downloadable Portfolio Review Packet and more information.


2.  Join a HOME Group Review

Participate in a group portfolio review session. Are you looking for added encouragement and support? Are you a brand new homeschooler looking for ideas and guidance? HOME group reviews offer you an opportunity to fellowship with other homeschoolers in a group setting. Share what homeschooling was like for your family during the past year! A Maine certified teacher and a veteran homeschool leader will facilitate discussion, answer questions, and provide you with a signed letter of evaluation to submit to the Maine Department of Education and your local superintendent. Come to learn, connect and uplift one another!


Note: Since this is a group setting, this option for review does not allow much time for individual input from the certified teacher. If you would like your portfolio review to include more direct input from the certified teacher, the mail in review option would be a better fit! 


To participate, you will need to complete a pre-registration form, and submit it to HOME. Space is limited for these sessions, so please register early using the pre-registration form in the packet below. You will also need to complete and bring the Group Portfolio Review Packet. Find out when and where group reviews are being held.


Access a downloadable Group Portfolio Review Packet and more information.


3. Submit Your Portfolio to HOME, Electronically

Email your portfolio to HOME for review. Tech savvy families will enjoy this option, and save on postage fees or travel time and costs.


The Digital Portfolio Evaluation Packet provides assembly instructions, helpful tips, a wide variety of record keeping pages, and all essential information needed to complete and prepare a portfolio to submit to HOME by email for an individual review by a Maine certified teacher.


To participate, you will need to complete the pre-registration form included in the packet provided at the link below, and submit it to HOME by August 1 to take advantage of the early-bird discount.


Access a Digital Portfolio Review Packet and more information.


Follow These Steps to Participate in a HOME Portfolio Review:

  1. Read HOME's Portfolio FAQ!
  2. Download your preferred portfolio review packet (see 1, 2 and 3 above), complete the pre-registration form that is included, and submit it to HOME. Be sure to take advantage of discounts available to HOME supporters!
  3. Submit your Portfolio: Option 1 - Mail-in or drop-off your completed portfolio to HOME by July 1. Option 2 - Bring the required information to the Group Portfolio Review Session that you pre-registered for. Be prepared to share progress and achievements, as well as challenges. For more information on upcoming Portfolio Review Days, click hereOption 3 - Submit your digital portfolio to HOME via email.
  4. Portfolio Evaluation Cost for Pre-registered Participants: Portfolio evaluations are $49. (HOME Supporters may apply discounts!) 

Registration fees are not refunded. 


Purchase a Pre-assembled Portfolio to Save Time!

As a convenience for your family, HOME offers pre-assembled portfolios. Included is a 3-inch binder, subject dividers, plastic sheet protectors, all required pages, and simple instructions. Just fill in the required information add work samples, and submit!


Find out more!



If you (or someone you know) need help covering a portfolio review, please reach out to the HOME Office in writing (an email is acceptable). We may be able to offer some assistance. Please submit a letter explaining your situation. Do not call. You will be notified regarding your eligibility. To learn more about HOME Scholarships, please visit the Scholarship section of our website.


Standardized Testing

Standardized achievement testing is another method of annual assessment that fulfills the assessment obligation under Maine homeschool law. 


When using this option for annual assessment purposes, plan ahead in order to comply with the law in a timely manner and leave plenty of room for any adjustments that may be needed. Schedule tests in the spring, if possible. Test orders and test results sometimes take time to arrive, especially during the late spring and summer months. Assessment results are due to your local school superintendent by September 1. Follow these steps to participate in achievement testing. 

  • Choose a nationally normed standardized test. Keep in mind that tests will not cover all of the subjects required by Maine law. Even so, any nationally normed standardized achievement test is acceptable for annual assessment purposes. (Be sure to have a portfolio of work that does include samples of work in all subject areas for your record-keeping purposes. If a question should arise about your homeschool practices, this will be very important!)
  • Schedule testing times. 
  • Talk to your child about what the experience will be like and suggest test strategies. (Remember that achievement is not as important as developing the skill of test taking!) 
  • Make sure your child is well rested, is not ill and has a healthy meal before testing. 
  • Encourage your child to put forth his best effort.
  • Plan for a special treat after testing!