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The HOMEschooling in
Maine magazine is published annually in the fall by Homeschoolers of Maine. The issue is available for purchase in printed form. Archived issues are available for FREE viewing on our website. Each issue offers a wide range of articles to encourage, and support
homeschool families. The magazine also provides information concerning local and national news items of high priority and interest to homeschoolers. In addition, HOMEschooling in
Maine is a great resource to keep as a concrete reminder of those upcoming HOME activities scheduled throughout the year that you won't want to miss!
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For information on submission of articles, please contact Kim Miller at
Purchase your copy now! Revised, expanded and updated with the most current information about getting started in your homeschool journey. This handy reference tool includes articles on homeschooling your special needs or gifted student, homeschooling through high school and so much more.
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Teaching Reading: A Stress-Free Resource Guide
In this resource guide, you will find ideas and strategies on how to approach teaching reading to your child. You will learn how to slow down and enjoy the process of watching your child learn to read. Teaching reading to your child can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We have gathered many helpful tips, strategies, and activities in this guide that will give you the confidence to teach your child to read.