Our 2025 event will feature products and services that are exciting, unique, and of interest to parents, teachers and the homeschool community. Watch this page for the latest additions to the exhibitor list for the upcoming event in April. As the time draws near, there will be a more complete listing.
Share your services, resources or organization with the homeschool community! Learn more about exhibiting, as well as other advertising options through HOME. Please contact us HERE!
Used curriculum sellers are welcome, too! Find out more.
Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025, 7:30am - 5:30pm
Location: Augusta Armory, 179 Western Ave., Augusta, ME
Exhibit Hall Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Full Day Exhibit Hall Admission: Included with a paid, full event registration
Free Exhibit Hall Shopping Only: 12:00 - 4:00pm (Arrive before 3:00pm for admission. Pre-register to receive a free digital unit study!)
Do you have something you'd like to donate to this year's auction fundraiser? Contact Katie Beaudoin at katiehomeadv@gmail.com. Thank you!
* Please contact Katie Beaudoin at katiehomeadv@gmail.com or 207.217.2315` if you'd like to help sponsor the next annual convention!
BJU Press Homeschool/HomeWorks by Precept
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Maine
HOME Bookshelf/Curriculum Consulting
Home School Legal Defense Association
Independent Used Curriculum Sellers
Sundog Outdoor Leadership Initiative
These exhibitors will be providing interactive experiences at their booths. Opportunities for hands-on activities for children and families will be offered throughout the event during times when the exhibit halls are open.
Camp Constitution - 10 question quiz, quill pen to sign name
Maine Studies Workbook - scavenger hunt