Fallacies and misconceptions abound when it comes to Maine's homeschool law. Are you certain of your own understanding? Kathi Kearney, HOME board member and author of Maine's current homeschool law, will sort out the facts and myths in this lively presentation.
To find answers to many of the questions you may have after viewing the video, be sure to check out the FAQ page, where the most asked questions have already been answered.
If you can't find the answer to your question be sure to reach out to a homeschool coach or the Regional Representative for your area.
Kathi Kearney has served on the HOME Board for many years. She has worked with homeschooling families in Maine for more than 30 years, and helped to author Maine’s homeschool law. Kathi teaches gifted & talented students, is a Professional Associate with the Gifted Development Center in Denver, and teaches online courses for the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.