HOME Grown Gardens

We have added a Facebook Group page for 2015 HOME Grown Garden participants!  Be sure to join us!


HOME Grown Gardens on Facebook 


For the past few years, a number of seed companies have donated vegetable and flower seeds to Homeschoolers of Maine (HOME) for a project we call HOME Grown Gardens.

Garden projects vary among families. Some families plant personal gardens. Others participate in homeschool group gardens. Some use raised beds. Some use containers. Seeds donated for butterfly gardens are popular with families, as well.

Lessons learned extend well beyond the growing of seeds to include learning about insects, local predators, weather and the interconnectedness of nature! Very young children plant seeds that bear familiar foods in order to connect with the idea of where their food comes from.

Each year, participating families report great enthusiasm and excitement from the children who plant both vegetable and flower seeds in their gardens. Their efforts are displayed in photos at the Annual HOME Convention at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, along with information on how to participate during the current growing season.

This popular annual project encourages homeschoolers to use gardening as part of their curriculum! A gardening unit study is available to assist participating families in maximizing the learning process for students, as well as provide a means for sharing results of the project with our donors. Families who sign up to participate in the project receive enough seeds for a family table garden, and plenty of related educational activities for all ages to last the entire growing season!