HOME's Intercessory Prayer Team

"Be anxious for nothing..."

"... but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  -- Phil. 4:6-7


Yes, it's true! Veteran homeschoolers are praying for homeschooling in Maine, HOME... and for YOU! There are many ways to express love for one’s neighbor, but intercessory prayer—praying on behalf of others—is one of the most powerful. Prayer is the most potent force known to mankind!


The next time you feel anxious, isolated or confused on your homeschool journey, remember that you are not alone. Every day, prayers are said on your behalf.


If you would like to reach out with a specific prayer need, contact HOME today!


Join Our Prayer Group

erBe sure to join us on Facebook for Maine HOMEschool Prayer! Collective prayer allows us to see how God is working within our homeschool community! You'll also experience a sense of belonging and care among companions for the journey! 


National Homeschool Day of Prayer

"In the early years of the homeschool movement, families banded together in strength to support, encourage, and protect the right and high duty of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children. The need to come together for that purpose has not diminished. The National Homeschool Day of Prayer on the first Friday in November gives us a powerful opportunity to unite in prayer. Please join us."    

-- HOME Founders, Ed and Kathy Green



On this day, we invite you to join HOME and other homeschoolers around the globe as we:

  • Give thanks for the freedom we have to homeschool our children,
  • Pray for homeschooling families locally, nationwide, and around the globe,
  • Pray for homeschoolers that have experienced devastation and loss due to natural disaster or home tragedy,
  • Pray for upcoming elections and the impact they may have on homeschooling,
  • Pray for your elected officials to recognize that the education of children is the responsibility of the parents, not that of the nation,
  • Pray for those who serve the homeschool community, 
  • Pray for your own family—your homeschooling journey and the Lord's guidance as you take that journey, your relationships with one another, your own children and their futures, as well as seeking ways your family can minister to others,
  • Rejoice in God's mercy and His faithfulness in all things.