The purpose of Dirigo HOME is to further the goals of HOME's Vision for the Future by empowering individuals and families to lead the way within the HOME community. Dirigo HOME seeks to 1) impart a knowledge of our Maine history and government, 2) build community, as well as 3) develop and sharpen leadership skills through events, activities, classes, field trips and mentoring opportunities.
HOME provides a place for homeschool group leaders to learn, grow and support each other. Learn more about this group.
Legislative Education Days are for the whole family. These interactive events include Maine legislators, TeenPact representatives, other special guest speakers and an art activity (all materials provided) to augment your Maine or civics studies. Learn how each one of us, no matter how old, can make a difference in preserving homeschool freedoms in Maine! Contact HOME to schedule a Legislative Education Day for homeschool families in your area.
For Teens...
Each year during the Annual HOME Convention, teens are encouraged to participate in fun-filled, action packed workshop sessions designed with their unique needs and interests in mind. Topics vary from year to year, and may include health, safety, relationships, character, careers, government and civics, just to name a few!
For Leaders...
Members of the HOME Group Leaders' Community receive a free HOME Convention pass including a special session just for group leaders!
Homeschool families are busy with many responsibilities. To keep our homeschool community vibrant, however, we all need time to connect, share ideas and socialize. Opportunities are scheduled in different parts of the state throughout the year to bring homeschool families and leaders together, share HOME with others and broaden our reach through community. Please consider hosting a gathering in your area. We would love to get acquainted with you, your group and others in your part of the state! Contact the HOME Office for more information.